Support Match: Lit
Contributions from our supporters have kept us alive and going since 2015. They say it takes a village - come be a part of ours! Your generosity supports:
Compensating our artistic staff
Costumes, sets, props for our mainstage productions
Venue rental
Technical equipment and permits
Insurance and well-being kits for rehearsals and performances
...and these are just the beginning!
In addition to supporting artists in a moment more needed than ever, our giving levels make it even more worth your while when you choose to support - and not just in words of gratitude! (Though we sure do that too!)
$10 to 49 - MECHANICAL
Mention in our playbill & a social media shoutout
Early access to ticket sales
$50 to 99 - LOVER
Mention in our playbill & a social media shoutout
Early access to ticket sales
One free drink per ticket at any one BARDcore event
$100 to 499 - NOBLE
Mention in our playbill & a social media shoutout
Early access to ticket sales
One free drink per ticket at each BARDcore event attended
$500 to $999 - ROYAL
Mention in our playbill & a social media shoutout
Early access to ticket sales
One free drink per ticket at each BARDcore event attended
Free pair of tickets to a mainstage production
$1,000 and up - QUEEN
Partnering credit on our website and in our playbill, social media shoutout or feature
Early access to ticket sales
One free round of drinks for your table at each BARDcore event attended
One free drink per ticket at a mainstage production
Two free pairs of tickets to a mainstage production​
Fractured Atlas is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions for the purposes of
Match: Lit are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.